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Twitter Rule Changes for 2018


Twitter recently announced a number of significant rule and policy changes. These policy updates impact all Twitter users and app developers and will be enforced starting March 23, 2018.

As a result of these rule changes, dlvr.it is making some updates to ensure our users are in compliance with Twitter's evolving policies.

Here's what you need to know:

Posting Duplicate Content to Multiple Twitter Accounts is no longer allowed

If you manage more than one Twitter account – you can no longer post the same or similar original content to those accounts.

Posting the same content more than once to a single Twitter account is not allowed

If you are like many major brands, and recycle the same tweet more than once on a single Twitter account - you're now in danger of suspension or termination from Twitter.

Changes to dlvr.it

To help our users comply with these rules and avoid being blocked or suspended, dlvr.it is making changes to our Twitter posting. We're rolling out the following changes next week:

  • You may connect only one Twitter account to an RSS feed for automated posting

  • You may select one Twitter account when posting or scheduling content

  • EverQueue for Twitter will be disabled

  • Use of Automated HashTags will be limited

We'll be making announcements in the coming days and weeks regarding some fresh new features to help our users navigate the new Twitter landscape. Stay tuned!

For more details, please read our blog post on the updated Twitter rules.

The dlvr.it team